
A cunning cutie who can't wait for a cuddle!

Cheeky little Bashful Fox is a jiffly ginger cub with fluffy white ears, feet and tail-tip. He loves to play giggly games, but this wily fox is far from tricking you; fun times and treats are for everyone he meets!

Medium:  BAS3FXC  Dimensions: 12.2in x 4.7in x 3.5in;  Sitting Height: 9in

Really Big:  BARB1FXC  Dimensions: 26.4in x 12.2in x 8.7in;  Sitting Height: 22in

Giant:  BASG1FXC  Dimensions: 42.5in x 18.1in x 11in;  Sitting Height: 30in

MediumReally BigGiant